Saturday, August 9, 2008

To My Beloved

The water flowed down the mountain
The stream whispered in my ear
"Do you see the magic
Do you see in me the most dear?"

The bud opened its arms
The flower touched my face
Can you smell the presence
In me, can you feel the essence?"

The caterpillar felt the change
The butterfly then flew past, humming
"Can you my dear, hear the beat
The heart's performing His magical feat".

The sky burst with happiness infinite
And the earth grew wet in the bliss
"In the infinite grace that you get
Do the words in your mind ever cease?"

I smiled in wonder
At the magic nurtured by beautiful nature
And I thought of my Beloved
And the mind silenced itself
I met my Guru.

1 comment:

Suresh said...

It is so beautiful.. i wlll give him when he come to ashram :)